Dominant introverted logic
LSIs are often arduous producers of logical structures, models, principles, rules, and order. In general, their lifestyle is at least partly organized according to the rules they impute to the world, which are paramount to their experiences. They may typically tend to conceptualize the world around them in terms of fixed categories, and can exhibit well-developed preferences for one category of things over another. Often, LSIs' interpretation of the world is directed towards existing social structures; their rules and guidelines pertaining to the behavior and actions of others; if LIIs are stereotypically the abstract physicists, building systems and thought structures that have little to do with "real world" life, LSIs might likewise stereotypically represent hard-line military officers, making sure that everyone stays in line. LSIs can often integrate into their rule-based framework the conventions of the predominant social order, and they may be vocally critical or judgmental of those that fail to follow the real or imagined conventions ascribed to them. LSIs can also sometimes be sticklers for minutiae in rule-based systems; they may have little sympathy or leeway for those individuals who require exemptions (along the lines of "no, sir, this bus must leave exactly at 7:30").Many LSIs give off a sense of certitude and absolution. They can quickly and easily schematize what is correct and incorrect according to the systems they are familiar with and may appear to be absolutely certain of their views, unable to represent any ambiguity in the principles that they put forward. This may take the form of stringent intellectual, political, or other viewpoints, or simply in a high degree of confidence in the principles they put forward towards the social environment around them. LSIs, moreso than any other type, are likely to have firmly unchanging views over a long period of time. Even when LSIs do not have firm, unchanging viewpoints, they may parade their current opinions with brash conviction, as though the logic of their thoughts is sound and irrefutable. Of course, many LSIs are much less extreme in their viewpoints, and can instead come across as apathetic about enforcing their viewpoints, or primarily sociable in their orientation.
Intellectually, LSIs, like other types, are often most interested in determining underlying principles, causal mechanisms, and systems to account for real-world phenomena. They may have a tendency see the principles that they develop as universal and without exception. Additionally, they usually tend to emphasize the consistency and importance of their espoused rules, principles or ideological perspectives to a greater extent than the external evidence supporting these rules, which is often a much less poignant aspect of their thought processes.
Creative extroverted sensation
LSIs can be forceful, confrontational, and proactive. However, LSIs' confrontational nature is subdued and subservient to

LSIs may have a tendency to attend to the impact, influence, or impressiveness of their creations or behaviors on the outside world. Many LSIs have a sophisticated sense of fashion or dress style -- or if not, at least the confidence that they could dress impressively if inclined to do so, or critically evaluate whether others are dressed impactfully. LSIs with a theoretical bent may be inclined to create highly complex and dense systems with complicated terms and extensive integration of ideas, designed to be grandiose, intimidating, and impressive.
Some LSIs may have a gritty, rugged, and gruff character. Like other beta quadra types, they may tend to have an "us vs. them" mentality (in part influenced by their tendency to think in rigid categories). On the other hand, many LSIs have a much more benign, open, and friendly demeanor.
Role introverted ethics
LSIs are sometimes aware of their internal sentiments and attitudes towards others, but do not always give their emotional responses much attention. They typically are disinclined to depend upon their interpersonal attitudes or internal moral consciousness as guiding principles, instead construing reality through the lens of somewhat stiffer and less sympathetically inclined standards of behavior. They may be disinclined to critically evaluate the ethics of their systems; rather, they may take their own standards somewhat for granted and make value judgments about others based on their conformance to their own accepted principles. They may, in formal contexts, appear to be somewhat cold, harsh, and inflexible. They may have rather dispassionate, formal, black-and-white views of morality (for example, Ayn Rand's philosophy -- which was rigid, "rational" in its criticism of emotional motivations of any kind, and unfailingly unambiguous -- is a phenomenal example of an a
LSIs are often by default conventional, polite, and perhaps somewhat mechanical (or even forcible) in their approach to social interaction. They may be predisposed to pay more attention to following relevant social ettiquette and appearing personable than to directly empathizing with, relating to, or interacting spontaneously with others. They often pay less attention to or have difficulty discerning the attitudes that others harbor towards them or third parties, and may be characteristically suspicious of others' motives or attitudes.
Vulnerable extroverted intuition
LSIs may have difficulty processing ambiguity or uncertainty. When they are the victim of necessary ambiguity, they may have a tendency to focus on the worst-case scenario, and may attempt to expend so much effort as to be prepared for any conceivable contingency. Some LSIs may also tend to be very suspicious of others' intentions. Many LSIs have a tendency to see most issues in black and white terms, seeing others as clearly right or wrong, and they may have difficulty adapting to ideas espousing shades of gray, multiplicity of causes, or doubt, often seeing such perspectives as logically weak, unstructured, or inconsistent. Indeed, they may see little value in such ambiguous perspectives and may see them as not useful at all -- rather, strong and unarguably consistent points may seem more compelling and important to them. Only through a gradual and tireless process of experiential learning can LSIs grow to understand and alter the nature of their perspectives and categories (many older LSIs are more "mellow" than "rough").LSIs' logical programs may necessitate that they feel a certain degree of control over others and their surroundings. LSIs that feel that they have none of their necessary control in a situation may react irritably, argumentatively, and sometimes lose control of their emotions in the form of a seemingly childish tantrum. They may have difficulty dealing with people who are consistently spastic and unreliable in their behavior, or who are always doing or seeking something new -- such individuals are too unpredictable and lawless, and offend their ability to oversee others around them.
LSIs may sometimes be seen as paranoid, overly defensive and quite territorial in dealing with others.
Suggestive extroverted ethics
Being entrenched in logical, systematic thinking processes, LSIs need others to create an emotionally inclusive atmosphere where they know they are accepted and liked. Left to themselves, are usually quiet, reserved, and often relatively formal in their behavior, and frequently are not highly aware of how they might enliven the atmosphere or develop camaraderie and connections with others. LSIs might prototypically organize group events or precipitate a situation where emotional bonding might occur, but they are almost unable to create the bonding themselves; they need others to fill the situation with feeling, laughter, and fun.As LSIs sometimes devote themselves extensively to whatever they do, they may tend to build up a lot of emotional tension, which can only be released when somebody gives them a vivid reminder that there is more to life than their responsibilities.
LSIs respect and admire people who are deeply passionate about things and care enough about them to instill their attitudes in others and try to get them involved. They can forgive a little unruliness, impulsivity, and disorderliness for the emotional value such people give them. LSIs sometimes tend to suffer from a deficit of passion and feel emotionally connected to the world mainly when they are around lively and emotional people who can generate a sense of kinship and group activity. Indeed, LSIs around passionate individuals can loosen up and moderate their usually stern lifestyle.
Like other beta quadra types, LSIs can show a preference for environments of where free and sometimes crude expression is permissible, and where they will be not be judged harshly or negatively perceived for their viewpoints, insensitivity, or humorous expression. More than other beta types, they may tend to monitor themselves excessively to avoid appearing rude or being so evaluated if they do not feel accepted and safe from chastisement.
Mobilizing introverted intuition
LSIs, like other beta quadra types, are especially motivated by higher meanings and weighty causes. LSIs may feel innately that it is their civic responsibility to enforce or ensure their desired social order, or whatever higher drive they find themselves with. Being oriented towards

In some situations they can become followers of others' causes, passions, and interests rather than their own, and they may feel a certain emptiness in the absence of others who can supply them with a higher sense of purpose for their actions.
LSIs can have a tendency to act impulsively and to lack self-control, sometimes appearing aggressive and overbearing.
Ignoring extroverted logic
LSIs can tend to have rigid, unchanging views that are not updated over time and not stringently evaluated in terms of their applicability in practice. They can sometimes adopt ideological viewpoints that pay only passing attention to, or are modestly unconcerned with the acquisition or application of new or updated factual information.Demonstrative introverted sensation
LSIs may have some interest in creating comfortable, commodious surroundings for themselves, but tend to be unconcerned with having a pleasant physical environment, and are often more concerned with their ability to control the people or situation around them or their own personal goals.LSIs, perhaps more than any other type, are reputed for their stubborn resistance to the reality of their bodies, and the nonrelevance of their physical experiences as compared to their own personal goals and volitions. At a socionics meeting, an LSI once walked four miles in his sandals, resulting in a badly scraped and bloody foot, and proceeded to sit through the remainder of the four-hour-long meeting before tending to it.
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