Dominant extroverted ethics
ESEs are highly attuned to the emotional environment around them. They are often focused on whether others around them are having fun, are emotionally relaxed or engaged, or whether everyone around them is getting along or whether the needs of others are met, and they are often inclined to take decisive action to ensure that there exists a positive emotional mood or that others are comfortable and well taken care of. They may be inclined to base their emotional state of mind on the state of others around them, adapting easily to others' expectations and making an effort to avoid playing the role of a grouchy or malcontent; they may have difficulty letting down the expectations of others and can commonly avoid expressing their own dissatisfaction. They may have a strong emotional memory, and may most vividly remember the emotional states and expressions of past situations.ESEs may typically express an upbeat, cheerful demeanor and attempt to raise the spirits of others around them. They may expressively and vivaciously impose their emotional state onto others, expecting others to absorb and feel to the nature of the sentiments they display. They often enjoy bringing others out of their shells and getting those around them into the mood of the situation.
ESEs generally seek to take action based on the emotional responsibilities and pressures they feel (in contrast to
dominants, who may often lack a firm basis or long-term vision for their goals) and can be sometimes seen as generally pushy and uncompromising about getting their way. They may also be seen as overbearing, smothering, or overprotective. ESEs are often not shy about influencing the prevailing emotional atmosphere towards a particular end.
They may commonly involve themselves in political or moral causes, and may primarily serve the function of energizing and motivating others; when passionate and in possession of a cause to forward, they can be very active and engaged (though they may tend to focus their efforts on promoting emotional affect and emotional affect than bringing their reforms to fruition). However, at other times, they may lack a sense of internal guiding principles or conscience to direct them. They may be inclined to accept and integrate the moral norms of those around them into their own perspectives.
ESEs frequently are highly familially oriented, and often take it upon themselves to ensure that the needs of their loved ones are cared for. They are typically other-directed, and may invest themselves in engaging and caring for the physical needs and well-being of others to the degree that they commonly lack a sense of what they need themselves. As a part of their effort to be accommodating, they tend to be inclined to read into the context of their interaction with others and to try to discern or predict others' intentions and motivations, and to use this information to help meet others' needs or desires; in some cases this can lead to unwanted assistance. They may see the domain of tending to their friends and family as their responsibility, and may become pushy and defensive if others attempt to encroach upon or criticize the functioning of this territory. They may strive for an environment in which their family and close friends are accustomed to routine and contented functioning.
Though ESEs can occasionally display sedentary and methodical lifestyles, they are more frequently very outgoing and energetic, and freely expressive. They may focus much of their time on socializing with others, and often enjoy directing their emotional energy towards inciting a sense of excitement in others. They are often inclined to remember their own and others' emotions and expressive gestures more keenly than other aspects of a situation.
Creative introverted sensation
ESEs are primarily focused on sensory experiences and a lifestyle that will afford them comfort, harmony, and the opportunity to focus on the finer points in life. However, they are typically more focused on ensuring the positive sensory experiences of others than their own. Their attention to sensory needs, however, is not dominant in their character, but rather directed towards others in their emotional sphere; their kinesthetic expertise is commonly directed towards evaluating whether others are comfortable and whether the needs of others are being met, and much of the energy they devote to aesthetics, cooking, etc. is intended primarily for the benefit of others, or to sustain the emotional mood of a particular occasion. They may fuss extensively over the health and well-being of others, looking for signs of noticeable satisfaction or improvement and becoming impatient and pushy if none are observed, yet simultaneously neglect their own ailments; usually ESEs think of themselves as getting along fine without needing outside assistance, though they often spend a fair amount of energy looking after their own health as a matter of course.ESEs may also have a highly individualized sense of artistic expression. In many cases, however, ESEs' artistic expression is used as a reflection of their emotional energy; they may express political, cultural, or life messages through their art, and may use it as a form of expressing their interests in moral causes. This type of artistic expression may commonly extend beyond visual art and may include music, dance, or other media.
They often seek lifestyles or hobbies that further their own sensory pleasures and that improve immediate environment; many ESEs might have an interest in things like cooking, gardening, music, interior design, etc. They are often attentive to the aesthetics of their surroundings, and can sometimes be quite overbearing and fastidious about their environment, and are sometimes attracted to natural surroundings (though in contrast to SLIs, they may try to integrate their own style into and control their natural surroundings). They may have a strong inner need for organization and neatness in their home environment and physical surroundings. While they may expend great attention on their own appearance, they may also have a relatively limited and comfortable style (especially in the case of male ESEs).
They may often try to ensure that others are relaxed. However, some ESEs maintain for themselves a relatively active and industrious lifestyle; while they enjoy relaxing, they may feel as though they have too much to do. They may try to organize recreation time, parties, or other social events for those around them, and often put a great deal of emphasis into the enjoyment of leisure time of those around them, and they may have difficulty enjoying themselves or relaxing if those around them appear uncomfortable. They may often engage in active forms of outdoor recreation.
Role extroverted logic
ESEs are often capable of focusing their attention on pragmatic matters, of finances, efficiency, and the accumulation of new and interesting information. They may feel a degree of obligation to justify their actions with facts, considerations of the efficiency and effectiveness of their methods. They are unlikely, however, to emphasize these aspects of a conversation over their emotional experiences and attention to others in their emotional vicinity, and may sometimes discount them in situations where such considerations do not coincide with their message or affect they intend to present to others. They are more likely to be motivated to act in accordance with their relationships and emotional states than by constraints of efficiency.ESEs can varyingly be not-so-good with money, and lack the pronounced self-sufficiency of delta STs. While not necessarily compulsive spenders, ESEs may have an idea that their personal needs are more important than concerns of thrift. They may be inclined to simply buy whatever items are necessary for their own personal well-being, or whatever they think might please others that they care about, relegating financial considerations to the back of their mind. They may be more typically susceptible than others to advertizing or friendly salespeople. At the same time, they may habitually feel the need to express their own degree of self-control and may feel trapped in a cycle of failing to meet up to their self-imposed standards of caution and rational decision-making. ESEs are often not disinclined to produce expensive items to win the affection and interest of others.
ESEs may communicate with attention to the impact of their words on others, rather than on the content of their communication. They may not be deeply concerned about committing errors of factual accuracy in the things that they say, and as a result may occasionally make untrue and sometimes preposterous and outlandish claims in the course of regular conversation. They may make assumptions and project emotions, intentions and motivations onto others, and react according to these imputations rather than to others' explicit or demonstrated behaviors. They are seldom concerned with the efficiency of their living environment, and may not understand or feel it very important to understand the mechanisms by which elements of their environment operate.
Vulnerable introverted intuition
Not terrible, small amount of pseudo-lying in second paragraph here. No mention of limiting possibilities!ESEs are often restless, dynamic, and active people, and have little interest in contemplative and reflective lifestyles. They may generally find themselves perennially busy, with so many people to meet and tasks to be done. They may often have difficulty understanding the motivations or mindset of less energetic individuals, or why others would be unmotivated and torpid. They may have have difficulty prioritizing or determining the relative importance of their tasks, and may ignore the long-term consequences of their actions. They may have difficulty planning their schedule effectively, sometimes be caught off guard by certain last minute appointments or tasks whose length they had underestimated.
ESEs typically focus on the tasks, people, relationships, experiences directly in front of them, seeing little reason to question its purpose, impact, or meaning. They may have underactive minds, and may have difficulty connecting the dots and discerning causal links between different events in their environment. They may have no concept of philosophical reflection, or inner mental worlds as a lifestyle attribute, and may see these aspects as irrelevant to their emotions and experiences. To "sit back and think for a while" is commonly the antithesis of the ESE mindset. Due to their lack of cerebral lifestyles, they may be seen as tedious, unoriginal, and unchanging in their conduct.
Suggestive introverted logic
ESEs may frequently become bogged down in their emotional reactions. They may make snap decisions based on transient emotional states, and often generally lack conviction in their own ability to make impersonal, rational judgments. They may typically embody the position of someone chronically uninformed and conflicted on various political or ideological points of view, inclined to perceive reasonable arguments on both sides and to display a conciliatory attitude towards both parties. They may be relieved from their uncertainty by others with systematic, well-defined viewpoints -- however, they may at other times also cling to their emotional perceptions. They may have difficulty making decisions, or understanding what aspects of a situation are important for consideration in making decisions.ESEs may have a tendency to need others to evaluate information for them, interested to get additional feedback and concerned with their own interpretive abilities. They sometimes be inclined to recount the events pertaining to their daily events, a process which may be perceived as somewhat mundane or uninteresting by others. They may have difficulties and appreciate assistance in the domains of planning, organizing, scheduling, prioritizing, and problem solving.
ESEs may have difficulty following logical connections or understanding, and may consider themselves naturally unsuited towards evaluating abstract, philosophical reasoning. However, they may have a fascination of sorts in hearing about epistemic viewpoints, new ideas, and advancements in human understanding. They may be particularly interested in philosophy, enjoying it for the clarity and universality of its conclusions.
Mobilizing extroverted intuition
Not as bad as LSE description but comparison to LSEs makes no senseESEs are typically quite open to a wide variety of new ideas. They often have a reserved, receptive, and patiently interested view of the academic world. They may be inclined to seek out new, unusual, or interesting information related to goings-on in the world around them, and to share their interests. They may have little confidence in their ability to understand abstract material, but they may typically react to new concepts or information with interest and curiosity. They may seek clarity from others about the unusual ideas they come across, requesting cogent and simple explanations.
ESEs may have difficulty coming up with new or innovative ideas, evaluating the potential of certain ideas, or engaging in conceptual juxtaposition or lateral thinking. Nonetheless, they are sometimes be seen as somewhat more bright and imaginative, energetic, and fantasy-oriented than LSEs (though LSEs can be imaginative as well). They may also come across as kooky, novel, and spontaneous, and may be inclined to offer suggestions for new fun activities or to make observations of unusual, amusing, or bizarre qualities of things, though they may do so in a lighthearted and cheery way, and may be averse to depressive or darkly-themed novelties. Usually imagination in ESEs is a corollary of their charming social persona, and a supplement to a jovial, outgoing attitude.
ESEs may typically have a more positive, optimistic, inclusive, and receptive slant to their emotionalism than beta types. Usually, their emotionality focuses on lighthearted and fun aspects, avoiding darker or melodramatic themes. They may stereotypically preach values of universal tolerance and friendliness.
Ignoring introverted ethics
ESEs are naturally interested in other people and relational connections; however, they may often tend to express their experience of these bonds with extravagant and colorful displays of affection and emotionality. They are often less concerned with focusing on the nature of the bond itself than on its outward expressions, and may take it for granted that emotions are reflected by one's expression; they may thus more commonly focus on the signals and body langage that others provide about their emotional receptiveness to the circumstance, as opposed to the content or context of the interaction. They often have a minimal understanding of introspective, subdued, internally-derived emotional states that are not observably expressed -- instead, they may tend to assume (wrongly) that everyone around them is driven to act as they are by highly potent and palpable emotional experiences, and that if individuals are reticent or standoffish, their emotions are merely hiding under the surface, waiting to be expressed (though they are sometimes inclined to attribute others' inaction to some manner of physical incapacity or discomfort instead).ESEs commonly have an all-inclusive attitude towards others that bears little room for ethically judgmental attitudes, or individually directed sentiments towards others. At times, they may be drawn into personal criticism; but more commonly they avoid ethical confrontations towards others and may seek to maintain a mood of harmony and happiness. They may become bored if the atmosphere around them becomes overly subdued, with frank discussions of others' character.
ESEs may often have an appreciation for the rules for interacting socially, and may criticize others who fail to follow accepted ettiquette and standards of politeness. They may see individuals who are more nonconformist and self-assertive, or who fail to follow established rules or environmental social norms, as necessarily mean and unfriendly -- they may operate with this type of collectivistic mindset, and may not be able to easily recognize or appreciate a more individuated and self-deterministic style of ethical values.
Demonstrative extroverted sensation
ESEs usually try to avoid dramatics, conflict, and power struggles. They may see the end of asserting or acquiring power as essentially uninteresting. They may avoid directly exerting volitional pressure on others to do things, seeing such as callous and unproductive -- instead, they may use their emotionality to push others towards what they want, trying to share with others their need for external harmony. At times, they may try to get what they want, usually to attract others' attention and guidance, by making a big, vibrant fuss about nothing. They may avoid directly making any decisions, wanting instead to please others by agreeing to do whatever others want; sometimes (especially where
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