Logic, sometimes erroneously known as thinking (an analogous dimension in MBTI and Keirsey Type Theory) is a rational informational dimension in socionics, which is variously expressed in the forms of introverted logic and extroverted logic, symbolically depicted as


, respectively.
In broadly generalized terms, logic deals essentially with factual information, the accuracy or falsity of logical propositions (e.g. "the cat is blue") and the organization and use of information.
differ widely in their approaches and emphases in evaluating factual information of this kind, with
focusing mostly on the structure and internal consistency of factual information, while
emphasizes its external validity, measurability, and applicability.
One anecdotal application that attempts to underscore the difference between
relates to two individuals pondering the stock market (this anecdote is intended as a sort of tangible example to the concept rather than saying anything about the relationship between logic and "business" -- which in actuality is overemphasized in many interpretations of the classical literature). Both the archetypal goals and methods of
types differ in such a situation. In general, the domain of a
type in such a context is in theoretical economics (a very
-dominated field in itself) -- basically, the construction of rules, equations, classifications, and formalizations of economic behavior. Usually the construction of these systems are self-motivated and an end to themselves -- that is, there is not necessarily any intent to extend the derived equations to any outside applications. If a
perspective is oriented towards modeling equations and systems, a
approach to the stock market is concerned with something more akin to business accounting; basically, accumulating accurate information, statistics, and figures that can be used to some other purpose (such as analyzing trends). Importantly,
requires the information to be of high quality (inaccurate information leads to poor results -- accuracy over structure or generality) and looks to apply the information collected to some unrelated domain.
In general, this anecdote is silly and oversimplified, and the difference between a
mode of processing says nothing directly about the goals of individuals in a situation relevant to the stock market (as in, both
types may be interested in making money). Rather, the example is intended to accentuate the theoretical differences and common differences in approaches that the different IM elements (not types) tend to employ.
Introverted Logic

is most commonly associated with themes of logical consistency, structure, principles, rules, modeling, mathematical certainty, appropriateness or correctness of action, and regimentation. Naturally,

creatives often have nothing resembling a regimented lifestyle, but

dominants often project a sense of organization and structure in their everyday activities (for example, keeping to a strict schedule over a long period of time).

is mostly an interpretive, analytical, and normative element, with a focus on organizing rather than doing -- especially in

dominants who exhibit this aspect as an element of their lifestyle.

types tend to be inclined to perceive their world according to the structures and rules that they designate, seeking to organize their reality into a functional system (much like Einstein's search for a unified theory of relativistic physics). In the case of

creatives, logical structures are often taken much less seriously and, moreover, properties and categories seen an entertaining game to experiment with in certain situations rather than a lifestyle value (especially in ILEs). In many cases,

types (especially those with

blocked with

) tend to see unerring clarity in their constructions, though sometimes they can also find uncertainty, lack of proof, and continually be inclined to revise their ideas of the systems around them (and this happens more than one might expect). A common tactic of

types, especially

dominants, is "logical chunking," which involves simplification of concepts to fit into well defined or well organized structural principles.
Extroverted Logic

is most associated with themes of external applicability, pragmatism, factual content and accuracy, proactive action, productive work and processes (how-to instructions), availability of products and services, and clear, unhindered dissemination of information.

types may tend to be encyclopedically knowledgeable or to have a large range of information on a variety of domains, and often have a knack for collecting and remembering useful facts and procedures.

dominants especially may tend to have very active lifestyles for which they feel compelled to complete a wide range of productive tasks; they can come across as overactive, tireless, and situationally assertive.

creatives commonly tend to be somewhat less proactive and more passive to the things that go on around them, but still tend to feel a need for the efficiency of their lifestyle and work.

types usually evaluate the world around them not in terms of what is logically consistent, but in terms of what they observe or what makes sense to them causally, rather than requiring a detailed, linear justification for every idea.
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