Gamma quadra types exhibit harsh judgment and move away from others. Valuing , they are more inclined to view and assess other people by means of their character, or what kind of person they are. Further, while these assessments of character can and do change, they are seen as relatively stable; some people do change, but the kind of person someone is does not change easily or overnight. Valuing as well, these character assessments also take on the face of "what can you do for me now" immediacy; the immediate impact of people rather than their long-term potential for character improvement. As such, people with a negative immediate impact are not seen as having the potential to improve, or as misguided, or as heralding from a challenging upbringing. Instead they are seen as having the immediate negative impact that they are. The gamma response is to harshly judge, and to move away from the "bad" people, somewhat independently of context.
Gamma quadra types are characterized by independence and self-reliance. As Fi-valuing types, gammas are inclined to evaluate information based on the reliability of its source. As such, they desire to have all the information themselves, so they can evaluate it independently. Like beta types, gamma types value , and possess a forward and large-scale vision of what they would like to accomplish. Unlike in beta types, gammas value
; this vision is carefully constrained by what is practically implementable and clearly measurable, whereas betas' visions are often more spectacular. If gamma types are unable to feel like they are impactfully influencing or materializing these visions (more generally, accomplishing something), they can become frustrated and impatient, feeling that their very freedom is being impinged upon.
Type-specific digressions
- SEEs harshly judge in the least straightforward way compared to the other three gamma types. SEEs are driven primarily by
and not
. Because of this, their judgments tend to be rapid and impetuous. It is not the case, though, that they are less harsh because of this; their harsh judgments are expressed more impetuously. Because their positive judgments are expressed more impetuously, they exhibit much more obvious moving-towards people than the other gamma types. Despite the volatility of their judgments, more centrally, underneath their lack of reserve (the fixative area for SEEs) they have an intuitive and stable sense of who is a good person and who is not.
- ILIs, unlike other gamma types, are not very driven to materialize their visions. The ILI fixative area is in impactful action. While the other three gamma types possess a degree of discipline, goal-orientation, and proactivity, ILIs usually don't. Behind this fixative deficit, however, ILIs are highly competitive and deeply oriented towards their own self-efficacy, even if they resist materializing their productive efforts in a consistent way.
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