Saturday, March 20, 2021

ILE description

Dominant extroverted intuition

ILEs are, more than any other type in the socion, propelled by interest and stifled by boredom. While there are other types that are also significantly motivated by whether they are interested in things, especially the IEE, it is the ILE is the type that has the most difficulty making themselves do things that they don't want to do, whether that might be homework, taxes, or impassioned personal projects that they were interested in just yesterday. Of course, the ILE is sometimes in control of themselves and able to complete their work, school, family, and other responsibilities. However, these responsibilities are easier to complete if they are more interesting, and it is somewhat typical for ILEs to complete some of their less interesting responsibilities in work and school with somewhat less thoroughness. Many ILEs may adopt a strategy to "gamify" aspects of their lives, trying to reframe their various errands as puzzles or guessing games.

New things are (at least potentially) more likely to be interesting than familiar things. ILEs are drawn to novel things and can have a tendency to throw themselves headfirst at their newfound interests. In this way, ILEs' lives could sometimes be loosely modeled as a series of perpetually ongoing projects into which ILEs have an ease of contributing their vitality, as long as they remain sufficiently interesting. Likewise, it is also easy to drop these projects with loss of motivation, sometimes suddenly. Both Se dominant types, also extroverted irrationals, can also have a tendency to engage somewhat capriciously into series of projects and activities, and to lose motivation and drop these projects; compared to the Ne dominants, these projects of Se dominants are a little less likely to be sustained over the long term, perhaps because they are less truly motivated in genuine interests in the first place.

Like IEEs, ILEs have a tendency to value their freedom to pursue spontaneous interests. Compared to IEEs, their desire to preserve their autonomy to rapidly or suddenly change their life circumstances, or suddenly pack up and move to a different place, is perhaps less wholesale, although such motivations can still be present. They tend to be more drawn than delta NFs to participating in their nearby social environments and seem to have overall less difficulty finding interesting ideas and projects in their lives while remaining stationary.

ILEs, of course are energetic people, who have the potential to be quite active and industrious in their lives, and to be quite hard workers, in spite of their tendencies towards boredom and distractibility.

Creative introverted logic

ILEs usually have a rationalistic, logical attitude towards the world around them, in determining their views about what is correct and what is not correct, they are beholden to what is logically demonstrable and often not easily emotionally moved by pathetical arguments. 

Like their cousins the IEEs, the ILE also tends to harbor a distaste for closed-minded or overly stubborn, inflexible people, and carries with them an attitude open to debate and free sharing of ideas. Whether they actually debate extensively with others about their rationalistic and potentially ideological interpretations, however, is another matter; ILEs tend to have some degree of noncommittal, avoidant approach to other people, and might not find it very interesting to be in challenging debates where others are less interested in rationalistically exploring ideas as they are, certainly less so interested than other Se valuing types, especially the SLE and EIE that are readily thrust into ideological conflicts. The common stereotype that ILEs are argumentative, pedantic and lawyerlike is mostly an error; this applies better to the beta extroverts, although the ILE partially relates to it with their belief in free exchange of ideas and their ideological orientation.

At the same time as being usually more avoidant of interpersonal challenge, the ILE has a certain tendency, usually unlike the IEE, to be a social organizer, and to recruit people to groups for the discussion of ideas or for other shared activities, and in the course of collecting groups may present some not very rigid pressure on others to hold shared ideological views. (The alpha quadra is more likely than the delta quadra, valuing Ti and Fe, to be willing to try to move and influence others, even if they prefer to do so in a mostly hands off way.) Although if others diverge from the group's established view, they aren't likely to react with much belligerence, perhaps a more likely response is modest curiosity.

Like the LII, in a debate or exposition of a complicated idea, the ILE tries to explain complicated abstract concepts with an eye towards simplicity, and they often have some awareness of their audience's receptiveness, or whether the concept is straightforward enough to be understandable, and they may try to "curate" ideas to make them more approachable. However, compared to the LII, they can also be more transient, and move on so quickly that they fail to really communicate their messages thoroughly, whereas the LII can display a greater degree of (potentially effective or ineffective) persistence in communicating their understanding. 

Role extroverted sensation

ILEs are usually more driven towards developing ideas and acquiring information related to their interests than materializing or applying that information. Whereas in IEEs the influence of Se role can lead to a drive to apply their insights and intellectual developments to accrue some tangible benefit in the lives of others, ILEs are more often lost in the process of generating ideas with less sustained interest in putting them to use.

That said, the ILE is a more obviously extroversive type than the IEE. Both the ILE and IEE have a certain capacity for emboldened action; however, as Fe-valuing types the ILE is typically the more ready of the two to engage with other people. They are more likely to include others at least incidentally in their various adventures and can appear more active in the pursuit of their projects, although their pursuit of active projects is often rather inconsistent.

Vulnerable introverted ethics

ILEs are not very aware of their emotions, and can have a tendency to be emotionally avoidant, evading the inevitable confrontations with social awkwardness, or with other people's intense feelings.

They are also not necessarily very aware of the way other people feel, and tend not to notice or speculate about what others might be feeling unless those feelings are made plainly explicit to them. They tend not to readily think about what other people might be experiencing invisibly, "under the hood" and assume other people have a default mood of neutrality. As alpha types, ILEs have a dislike and disengagement with negative emotionality, and tend to be more receptive and cognizant of positively valenced emotions in themselves and others like excitement, social harmony, and "chill good vibes" and less inclined to acknowledge negativity in their or others' experiences. 

ILEs are more likely than any other type to show their emotional avoidance and need for freedom in their actions as a fear of commitment, and a preference to be able to move fluidly from one social environment to the next without being tied down. However, explicitly acknowledged fear of commitment is not a very likely response in most people overall.

Compared to the SLE, the ILE is more noncommittal and more tolerant of other people's emotions, and more compassionately minded, they often have the view that all kinds of different people have different, valid perspectives. However, they are also more disengaged than SLEs, and even less likely to try to interact with people on an emotional level beyond the most superficial of niceties, at all. 

Suggestive introverted sensation

Developing a sensitivity towards their physical surroundings throughout the course of their lives is frequently a point of growth for ILEs. As Ne dominants and extroverts, ILEs are typically expansive people interested in new experiences and isn't unusual for them to be easily motivated to do some physically active things. They can sometimes be quite outdoorsy people that do lots of strenuous physical activity.

At the same time, ILEs tend to struggle with attending to and enjoying their day to day experiences, which sometimes they have a tendency to minimize in importance. Often ILEs have a limited diet and stick to comfortable, sometimes bland foods. Most people do not, contrary to Ausra's comments, forget to eat, but becoming lost in some interesting venture and forgetting to eat is probably most common among ILEs.

ILEs are prone to being physically messy and sometimes to intentionally adopt a minimalist lifestyle without many possessions to limit the time they must spend cleaning and organizing. However, in other cases spartan minimalism does not always appeal to extroverted, boldly expansive people, and so they can also easily fall into the trap of accumulating more things than they care to organize in their lives.

Overall, at most levels of development, ILEs are more subconsciously affected by their physical environment, and therefore more cognizant at managing their internal physical needs, than Ni ego types are most of the time. Once I saw a college age ILE who was working with an Ni dominant type on a group project, who, in the face of a rapidly approaching deadline, became hungry and made no attempt to get to work until dealing with his physical needs with a good meal, knowing himself well enough to recognize that his productivity would be terrible otherwise; his Ni valuing partner took a somewhat opposite approach and preoccupied themselves with the time constraints of the situation, and wanted to "power through" and work the whole time until making some concrete progress. 

Mobilizing extroverted ethics

In spite of ILEs difficulties processing their emotions, they tend to have be engaging, warm, and sometimes dramatic. They are often somewhat group oriented people and tend to be engaged participants and planners of group activities, and are inclined to interact broadly with a range of people. They can be prolific organizers, especially when others fail to plan the activities or communities they seek to cultivate. 

There is a performative quality in both Fe mobilizing types. Compared to the other three Fe valuing extroverts, ILEs are probably the least expressive type in the small group, but are still relatively expressive people overall compared to the socion as a whole. Their expressiveness and use of modulation of tone and prosody in their communication is, like SLEs, less pervasive and more inconsistent than the communicative expressiveness of the Fe dominant types, who sometimes modulate and emote with ease and frequently; comparatively speaking, in both ILEs and SLEs there is an off switch, and a tendency to sometimes communicate quite excitedly, dramatically, or freely expressively, and at other times to communicate quite dryly and factually.

As with other Fe valuing types, sometimes in the ILE the impact of communication is more important than the factual content, and they can sometimes be quite provocative. It is possible for ILEs to disseminate exaggerated or outright false information as they speak for effect, sometimes intentionally to annoy or role up others, or to "see how other people react." Compared to SLEs, ILEs troll more mildly and affably, and seek to dispel or overlook negative attention that is cast upon them as a result of their provocations. As they grow and level up their super id block, some more provocative ILEs may come to realize that their provocative nature is not effective to fostering their more important goals of being widely accepted in groups and engaging peacefully with a wide range of people. 

Ignoring introverted intuition

ILEs are not usually the most intensely reflective types. Unlike Ni dominant types who are bored by reality, ILEs are embodied and connected to reality, and are bored by sameness. They aren't likely to focus on the same narrow possibilities, instead the ILE branches out readily to new and interesting things.

Demonstrative extroverted logic

In addition to being focused on whether ideas make sense in principle, ILEs are somewhat more prone than LIIs to look at a body of evidence to help them evaluate ideas.

Compared to the IEE, the ILE has an attitude of good faith when presenting evidence with others, but less full of a (possibly naive) expectation that other reasonable actors will accept clearly demonstrated evidence. This is because the ILE has a greater balance between Ti and Te, and does more of their thinking "under the hood", being correspondingly more willing to skip steps that are not directly based in evidence and making assumptions about what is likely and realistic. Not being willing to skip those obvious steps, might seem to the ILE as pedantic and slow-minded.

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