Before we begin, let me give a bit of context. On this blog, I strive to make content that will be accessible to a reader in the future, that has never met the subject, and doesn't need to have met the participant who we are analyzing in order to experience and understand the sort of person that the participant presents themselves to be. But, of course, I have met these paricipants, and sometimes I have extensive experience with these participants outside of the narrow window of content that I am curating for the future viewer. As in this case, where I knew the participant, who the interviewer accurately describes as infamous, long before I ever bothered to watch this interview; in fact I only watched the interview to make this post. I had already very firmly made up my mind about Lambsauce's type well before perusing the interview. And, as a word of warning, understanding the correct type certainly is possible from the interview and there are many clues available. But, it was more obvious, from interacting with Lambsauce over the internet, and observing him from a distance, for an extended time, and I will discuss later my observations from that modality.
Lambsauce is, in my view, an SLE. He is prone to debate and to verbal conflict, and it seems the arena of intellect is the main arena where he prepares for challenge, although Lambsauce also uses language at other times emphasizing his competitiveness and his own attitude that he was lacking confidence in the past and had to, by his own bootstraps, pull himself together.
Lambsauce's style is exaggerative and confident, and makes ludicrous, exaggerative claims (for example, at 32:00 where he grossly exaggerates the ideological consensus of typists, by mainly focusing on his narrow group of followers and ignoring completely the very large number of other typists that fervently disagree with Lambsauce about many typings). Yet, while Lambsauce's confidence, and dismissiveness of other people's negative ideas can be seen readily, he claims repeatedly to have been anxious, unconfident, and in the past to have struggled with passivity and depression. Yet, he acknowledges his confidence at the present moment, as well as his stimulation seeking behavior, and inclination to (1:01:00) "scream it [the 'interesting' information he has to share] in [others'] face[s]". His emphasis on his own prior passivity and anxiousness, is, perhaps not an untrue characteristic of his experience, but certainly exaggerated in his tendency to decide what to present to us in his inner monologue at the present time.
The "meat" of ideological matters, whether other people are right or wrong in their conclusions, is something that he is willing to very freely challenge, but as an overall theme, can be construed less as understanding the evidence (which Lambsauce claims many times to do), but really as presenting a sound argument in a debate. In other words, his approach is not trying to solve the questions independently about the world by examining lots of evidence disconnectedly, it is more a process of building, and presenting persuasively, frameworks that are well justified, and ironcladly built, defending some idea positions. The persuasive, and combative disposition of Lambsauce's inner-monologue-presented-as-debate, speaks to this. This debating style, characterized by the ideological conflict of the beta quadra, is a feature of Se blocked with Ti. In Lambsauce's case, his highly analytical tendency to challenge, but also often to randomly switch frameworks, and his view of himself as a "depressive nerd" suggests a better fit in orientation to Ti in the ego block, rather than the super-id of the EIE. Likewise, he seems very little concerned (although partially he just did not focus here) on the way other people receive his tangential monologue, somewhat unlike Fe dominant types, but perfectly fitting the mold of Fe mobilizing types that are only beginning to realize the importance of not irritating other people in their way of relating -- which he seems overall to be dismissive of; again recall his defensive reaction at 0:00:40 into the interview.
I will also, for this exercize, post in full my comments about Lambsauce from another forum, in which I argued, speaking generally, that Lambsauce is the SLE, based on his behavior over a long period of time on discord. The extent of his belligerence, and tendency to argue with others without really letting them get a word in, may not be obvious from the interview, but as before, there are numerous hints.
He seems very willing to take a direct, belligerent approach towards others, and almost instinctively puts forward ideological positions in a challenging "this is the way it is" stance. Despite his more regular certitude, he also has an inherent inconsistency and flexibility, classically characteristic of the SLE in the application of ideology, which manifests occasionally in his tendency to "negotiate" with other authoritative figures to reach an ideological consensus, and which I predict would also manifest in occasional random changes to ideologies held (NB this analysis was written a year ago, I had not observed random shifts to lambsauce's ideologies at the time, but clearly this prediction has held correct) [editors note, i wrote the parenthetical edit about this protracted prediction long before writing this blog post]. His approach to socionics is clearly rather scattered in its source material and his interpretation of interview subjects is naturally (and probably somewhat incorrigbly) hurried and impatient, and his conclusions are generally based on discretized answers with chunked information. Ideological opponents are drowned out in a neverending sea of dyspeptic verbiage, which is putatively based on reason; in a deeper view, it is also a not-so-subtle form of messaging conveying expectations of ideological conformance. Despite his intellect, he is not really a very idea-oriented person to begin with, his intellect easily falls within a typical range of the SLE (which is not to say that SLEs cannot be even more intellectual). His overall public image is relatively clumsily managed, as he fails largely to recognize that other people often do not concern with his ideological games on intellectual subjects, he does a generally poor job of reading others' lack of interest in his widely ranging authoritative commentaries and does not make himself well liked beyond a relatively narrow circle of followers that don't seem to mind his bossy mentality.